Saturday, May 31, 2014

Some Great Information for Writers

I know that as a writer I am required to be aware on how to use and spell words. Therefore, when I  came upon an article I found on Yahoo, I had to share. It is a really great article. I realize that it says for business writing, however, I do believe that it also applies to writers. As writers, we do not want to turn readers off to our books. Here's the site: Please read and take stock. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Work, Work, Work

Yeah. I know that word: work. It seems that's all I do is work. I do work a full-time job during the day and my writing at night. So it seems that's all I do. However, no matter how much I work I believe that it'll pay off in the end. With that said, sometimes you have to take a break in between working your day (or night for some) and your writing. Taking a step back will help increase your creativity once you get back to your work-in-progress. Trust me, I know-especially having some very long and exhausting days as of late. Why don't you go to the gym, read that book you've been meaning to get to, take a walk and get some fresh air, or whatever may relax you? Personally, I need some time away from my books-especially when I've just completed one to be edited. I try to take a little, but not too much, time in between only so that I can really focus on the editing. Time away helps me to unwind and be more perceptive when I'm revising my newly written book. After all, I do need to be 100% attentive to my precious work of art. Remember, all work and no play makes Jack (or Jill, if you will) a dull boy (girl). If anyone would like to share what they do to unwind, please feel free.

Friday, May 9, 2014

A Busy Life

Well, I am super busy with my day job and working hard by night and weekends to promote my books and to write. It is a huge task, but it is also something I enjoy (the writing is my favorite part). I know that life gets in the way of accomplishing things that we intend to, but if you don't pursue your dreams, no one else will do it for you. I'm not just talking about writers, but everyone, like photographers, teachers, etc., etc. In the past, I have made every excuse in the book to not park my but in the chair in front of the computer. Yet it boils down to: do I really want this? If so, then why am I not forcing myself to try and stop giving up? Trust me, I get it, life is busy and keeps getting busier by the day, but it's a matter of making the time to do what you really want. Think of it as an escape from life for a little while. I'm not saying that I don't get distracted by things and tinker around so as not to write, because I do-still. I was taking care of my dying Grandmother for years, but somehow, I found the time to write. Was it difficult? Yes. It absolutely was. It was my only escape from reality for even just a few minutes. Did I feel like giving up at times-especially receiving all the rejection letters from publishers? Oh yeah. I did indeed. Thanks to a supportive network of friends and family and my own desires, I chose to push on. Life is hard. There are distractions surrounding us everyday. Take stock and put your butt in that chair in front of your computer and ignore the distractions. Once you do that, your story can only take flight one day, one word, one sentence at a time.