Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Work, Work, Work

Yeah. I know that word: work. It seems that's all I do is work. I do work a full-time job during the day and my writing at night. So it seems that's all I do. However, no matter how much I work I believe that it'll pay off in the end. With that said, sometimes you have to take a break in between working your day (or night for some) and your writing. Taking a step back will help increase your creativity once you get back to your work-in-progress. Trust me, I know-especially having some very long and exhausting days as of late. Why don't you go to the gym, read that book you've been meaning to get to, take a walk and get some fresh air, or whatever may relax you? Personally, I need some time away from my books-especially when I've just completed one to be edited. I try to take a little, but not too much, time in between only so that I can really focus on the editing. Time away helps me to unwind and be more perceptive when I'm revising my newly written book. After all, I do need to be 100% attentive to my precious work of art. Remember, all work and no play makes Jack (or Jill, if you will) a dull boy (girl). If anyone would like to share what they do to unwind, please feel free.

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