another sensitive topic: the confederate flag fiasco. Why is it such an issue when it has been around for so long? First of all, it has NOTHING TO DO WITH RACISM. If I chose to fly it on my property it would be to show pride for my southern heritage not to show hate. There is no point to this debacle. I mean, come on, aren't there more pressing issues to attend than dealing with a flag? It's like our elected officials want to keep racism alive. Can't we just love each other? We can't even watch Dukes of Hazzard re-runs over the confederate flag on the General Lee. Personally I love Dukes of Hazzard. It has nothing to do with being racist. It was only a car.
I am so sick of people trying to turn minor issues into a huge debate. The confederate flag is such a petty thing to worry about when we have our young men and women over seas fighting to keep us safe. They are fighting for our rights. Are we really a democracy or a dictatorship? If we, as Americans, pull together and fight this freedom of speech take away then we can accomplish so much more. We all deserve to have the right to express our opinions whether people like what we have to say or not.
It frightens me that if something like this can happen, what other rights are we going to have taken from us. If someone wants to express their opinions or fly a variety of flags we should be allowed to. We are slowly having our rights of freedom of speech taken away. What about the constitution? Does our freedom of speech mean so little to the people of this country? The definition of freedom of speech according to Wikipedia is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas*. This isn't what our founders wanted for us or else they wouldn't have created the constitution to preserve our rights. There are too many misguided folks who twist the constitution to conform to what they want to achieve. Our leaders are pathetic. They need to focus on the other more serious situations going on within our country like homeless veterans, elderly abuse, being taxed too much, etc. Not on the confederate flag and whether or not people can fly it or not.
Come on, folks. Let us Americans take back our America and stop this nonsense. Let's make America what the founders intended it to be. Let it be our land of the free and home of the brave.
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