Sunday, July 19, 2015

Horse Slaughter: Is There ANY Real Reason For It?

I bring this issue up since I am a HUGE horse lover. I've been obsessed with horses since I was a child and never outgrew it. These are the most graceful and beautiful creatures on the face of the planet.

When I researched what horse slaughter entails, I was appalled. The torture they are subjected to is horrific and inhumane. To send them to such a painful and senseless end is cruel and unusual punishment. I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy much less an innocent and helpless creature. On top of that, for horses, there aren't any humane ways to slaughter them. Horsemeat isn't even safe for our consumption due to "unregulated administration of numerous toxic substances to horses before slaughter."* Since they are not raised for food, they are not meant to be eaten due to all the chemicals that are injected into them or what they have eaten. These substances are highly toxic to humans.

According to the humane society: "Horses are skittish by nature (owing to their heightened fight-or-flight response), which makes accurate pre-slaughter stunning difficult. As a result, horses often endure repeated blows and sometimes remain conscious during dismemberment—this is rarely a quick, painless death. Before the last domestic plant closed in 2007, the USDA documented in the slaughter pipeline rampant cruelty violations and severe injuries to horses, including broken bones protruding from their bodies, eyeballs hanging by a thread of skin, and gaping wounds."*

The market for horsemeat does nothing to increase revenue for the local economies that host them. It most certainly doesn't bolster the economy because of the stain it leaves behind. These enterprises need to be shut down to stop the murdering/slaughtering of horses. Read the quote above from the humane society. Do a little research of your own even, but STOP THIS INSANITY.


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