I bring this issue up since I am a HUGE horse lover. I've been obsessed with horses since I was a child and never outgrew it. These are the most graceful and beautiful creatures on the face of the planet.
When I researched what horse slaughter entails, I was appalled. The torture they are subjected to is horrific and inhumane. To send them to such a painful and senseless end is cruel and unusual punishment. I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy much less an innocent and helpless creature. On top of that, for horses, there aren't any humane ways to slaughter them. Horsemeat isn't even safe for our consumption due to "unregulated administration of numerous toxic substances to horses before slaughter."* Since they are not raised for food, they are not meant to be eaten due to all the chemicals that are injected into them or what they have eaten. These substances are highly toxic to humans.
According to the humane society: "Horses are skittish by nature (owing to their heightened fight-or-flight response), which makes accurate pre-slaughter stunning difficult. As a result, horses often endure repeated blows and sometimes remain conscious during dismemberment—this is rarely a quick, painless death. Before the last domestic plant closed in 2007, the USDA documented in the slaughter pipeline rampant cruelty violations and severe injuries to horses, including broken bones protruding from their bodies, eyeballs hanging by a thread of skin, and gaping wounds."*
The market for horsemeat does nothing to increase revenue for the local economies that host them. It most certainly doesn't bolster the economy because of the stain it leaves behind. These enterprises need to be shut down to stop the murdering/slaughtering of horses. Read the quote above from the humane society. Do a little research of your own even, but STOP THIS INSANITY.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Confederate Flag Debacle
So...now another sensitive topic: the confederate flag fiasco. Why is it such an issue when it has been around for so long? First of all, it has NOTHING TO DO WITH RACISM. If I chose to fly it on my property it would be to show pride for my southern heritage not to show hate. There is no point to this debacle. I mean, come on, aren't there more pressing issues to attend than dealing with a flag? It's like our elected officials want to keep racism alive. Can't we just love each other? We can't even watch Dukes of Hazzard re-runs over the confederate flag on the General Lee. Personally I love Dukes of Hazzard. It has nothing to do with being racist. It was only a car.
I am so sick of people trying to turn minor issues into a huge debate. The confederate flag is such a petty thing to worry about when we have our young men and women over seas fighting to keep us safe. They are fighting for our rights. Are we really a democracy or a dictatorship? If we, as Americans, pull together and fight this freedom of speech take away then we can accomplish so much more. We all deserve to have the right to express our opinions whether people like what we have to say or not.
It frightens me that if something like this can happen, what other rights are we going to have taken from us. If someone wants to express their opinions or fly a variety of flags we should be allowed to. We are slowly having our rights of freedom of speech taken away. What about the constitution? Does our freedom of speech mean so little to the people of this country? The definition of freedom of speech according to Wikipedia is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas*. This isn't what our founders wanted for us or else they wouldn't have created the constitution to preserve our rights. There are too many misguided folks who twist the constitution to conform to what they want to achieve. Our leaders are pathetic. They need to focus on the other more serious situations going on within our country like homeless veterans, elderly abuse, being taxed too much, etc. Not on the confederate flag and whether or not people can fly it or not.
Come on, folks. Let us Americans take back our America and stop this nonsense. Let's make America what the founders intended it to be. Let it be our land of the free and home of the brave.
I am so sick of people trying to turn minor issues into a huge debate. The confederate flag is such a petty thing to worry about when we have our young men and women over seas fighting to keep us safe. They are fighting for our rights. Are we really a democracy or a dictatorship? If we, as Americans, pull together and fight this freedom of speech take away then we can accomplish so much more. We all deserve to have the right to express our opinions whether people like what we have to say or not.
It frightens me that if something like this can happen, what other rights are we going to have taken from us. If someone wants to express their opinions or fly a variety of flags we should be allowed to. We are slowly having our rights of freedom of speech taken away. What about the constitution? Does our freedom of speech mean so little to the people of this country? The definition of freedom of speech according to Wikipedia is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas*. This isn't what our founders wanted for us or else they wouldn't have created the constitution to preserve our rights. There are too many misguided folks who twist the constitution to conform to what they want to achieve. Our leaders are pathetic. They need to focus on the other more serious situations going on within our country like homeless veterans, elderly abuse, being taxed too much, etc. Not on the confederate flag and whether or not people can fly it or not.
Come on, folks. Let us Americans take back our America and stop this nonsense. Let's make America what the founders intended it to be. Let it be our land of the free and home of the brave.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
So Sick Of The Kardashians
You're standing in line at the grocery store. While you wait, wait, and wait some more you decide to browse the magazine racks. You look at the covers. Each photo is labeled with either Kim Kardashian or Bruce Jenner/Caitlyn Jenner. You groan loudly getting a lot of funny looks from people standing in line next to and in front of you. Most of them not at you in understanding because they are sick of it as well.
I don't get it. Who cares? Where did they even come from to have their own T.V. show? It's sad when people can get something for nothing. That's not the main element that irritates me. What pisses me off is seeing them everywhere you go. T.V., magazines, the news, etc. They act like Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner is the first person to have a sex change operation. Come on people. If the media is going to focus on that then they should do a story on every person in the world who has had a sex change. That's their choice. Big deal. Stop making her the focal point. She made a choice. That's it! And Kim Kardashian? Come on. Who cares if she's married to Kanye West? Who cares whether they have personal issues or not? Or what they name their kids. I don't. Why? Because every relationship has issues. Family members have disputes. It's common for people to give their kids unusual names. So what? It's life. It doesn't need to be publicized. Kardashians. Kardashians. Kardashians. Jenners. Jenners. Jenners. Where does it end? The media won't keep them off television or the covers of magazines. I'm sick of that family and hearing about this one fighting with that one.
Let's focus on the real issues at hand. Gay rights. Women's issues. Racism. World peace. I could go on. People are what matter. Society has turned the Kardashians/Jenners into a media blitz. Leave them be and move on to more important matters. My life doesn't depend on what Kim or her sisters are wearing or if Rob is into drugs. Nor does it depends on Bruce's sex change. What they are wearing, etc. I have more concerns about my rights and what the government is doing to social security, 401K's, and increasing wages. My point is that there are real human issues to be concerned about versus someone's family problems or sex change operation. Society has put them on a pedestal and I think they should be taken them out of the limelight and focus our attention on the issues that matter.
Rant over...
I don't get it. Who cares? Where did they even come from to have their own T.V. show? It's sad when people can get something for nothing. That's not the main element that irritates me. What pisses me off is seeing them everywhere you go. T.V., magazines, the news, etc. They act like Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner is the first person to have a sex change operation. Come on people. If the media is going to focus on that then they should do a story on every person in the world who has had a sex change. That's their choice. Big deal. Stop making her the focal point. She made a choice. That's it! And Kim Kardashian? Come on. Who cares if she's married to Kanye West? Who cares whether they have personal issues or not? Or what they name their kids. I don't. Why? Because every relationship has issues. Family members have disputes. It's common for people to give their kids unusual names. So what? It's life. It doesn't need to be publicized. Kardashians. Kardashians. Kardashians. Jenners. Jenners. Jenners. Where does it end? The media won't keep them off television or the covers of magazines. I'm sick of that family and hearing about this one fighting with that one.
Let's focus on the real issues at hand. Gay rights. Women's issues. Racism. World peace. I could go on. People are what matter. Society has turned the Kardashians/Jenners into a media blitz. Leave them be and move on to more important matters. My life doesn't depend on what Kim or her sisters are wearing or if Rob is into drugs. Nor does it depends on Bruce's sex change. What they are wearing, etc. I have more concerns about my rights and what the government is doing to social security, 401K's, and increasing wages. My point is that there are real human issues to be concerned about versus someone's family problems or sex change operation. Society has put them on a pedestal and I think they should be taken them out of the limelight and focus our attention on the issues that matter.
Rant over...
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Promoting At The Wine and Arts Festival
I am excited to say that I was at the Grove City Wine and Arts Festival on Saturday. It was quite rainy and miserable for half the day. However, it did stop and people started pouring in. They were bored being cooped up during the rain. I wound up selling 3 hard copy books and possibly a few of the kindle versions of my book. I am excited. I got to talk with a lot of interesting people while promoting my book. It was an amazing experience. (The wine was tasty too.) If you want to promote your work of art I highly recommend going to festivals. Most people were nice and conversational. You can learn a lot by people watching. It was incredible to see how many people were intrigued with my book. Some people were funny and made me laugh. I even had a former publisher criticize my book! It was quite an event and one that I will remember for a very long time. I got to meet other writers (and possible speakers for my writers group).
So...needless to say festivals are worthwhile and rewarding to promote your baby...er, work of art.
So...needless to say festivals are worthwhile and rewarding to promote your baby...er, work of art.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
The Most Awesome Moments Of My Life
My life is a wonderful one. Life has so many awesome moments and I want to share some of my favorites with you. Of course, one of my most favorites is the day I wed my phenomenal husband. He has been an excellent source of support as I change my lifestyle and work towards making my dreams come true. I love that man. After I married him I met my three year old nephew, who is now eleven, and have somehow inspired him to become a writer. I guess my devotion to the writing trade rubbed off on him. This is one of the most exciting things to happen to me: when I can inspire a young person to get involved in the art of writing or any kind of art to be exact. He is such a remarkable little boy and I am so proud to be his aunt. Another awesome moment in my life was when I landed my job. I got it through a temp agency which I was expecting to move on to the next job until I found somewhere that would hire me. Hey! I needed a job! When my supervisor told me she wanted to hire me my mouth dropped open and my heart beat with excitement. You see I work in a warehouse and I build things. I love doing it. Granted, I wish I could be at home writing all day but until I become rich and famous...I'll have to make do with the writing time I get now. I am grateful for the time I do have to work my creative magic.
Well...I wanted to share three of my favorite and cherished moments from my life. I hope it inspires you to continue to pursue your dreams the way the people I love inspire me every day.
Remember: Use your *awesome* moments to inspire you to strive for your dreams. Don't give up.
Well...I wanted to share three of my favorite and cherished moments from my life. I hope it inspires you to continue to pursue your dreams the way the people I love inspire me every day.
Remember: Use your *awesome* moments to inspire you to strive for your dreams. Don't give up.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Not Giving Up When I Could Have
How did I come to write the way I do? Why do I write it? The answers are: My Grandfather (Papa) and the passion I have for writing.
I started out with the start of a children's book when I was in junior high. Following that I tried my hand at writing poetry. Not that it was a bad attempt since I was young, but I did make the effort. Then life happened. My Papa had fallen ill and I was helping my Grandmother (Grams) with him. So...I postponed writing my YA novel. After I turned 22, he had taken a turn for the worse and I was even busier. Between the time I was at the hospital and dealing with things for my Grams, I "didn't have time" to write. Instead of making time, I threw in the towel for awhile and hoped that I would someday write that novel. Two months later he passed and I fell into a deep depression while trying to hold my Grams together. Then somehow I managed to pull my act together and begin that novel. It was a sort of stress reliever. I enjoyed it. It made me feel good and gave me a confidence that I had never known.
Two years later my Great-Grandfather (Pee-Paw) was stricken with a cancer that had spread through his body. The doctors couldn't treat it. So we placed him in hospice. They were wonderful but it didn't take away my pain or stop me from doing things for Mee-Maw and Grams. Yet again...I was stuck tending to my Great-Grandma (Mee-Maw) AND Grams. Here we go again. I was never going to be able to write that novel through all this tragedy. I couldn't. There wasn't any time. My dreams were once again put on hold, but I didn't care...well...I did. I just had to set my feelings about writing to the side. When I wasn't writing it was like not being able to breathe. The timing was so terrible...like someone's dying can ever be timed accordingly. Right? Don't get me wrong. I love my Papa and Pee-Paw. I wasn't ready to lose someone else. Not after my Papa died. Through my grief all I could think about was writing. Why at such a devastating time? The reasoning: I wanted to be taken from reality for awhile.
After my Pee-Paw passed I buried myself in my full-time job as an activity assistant in a local nursing home by day and eventually writing at night. There was something therapeutic about writing and it brought me back to my family. During this time there was a nagging in my gut and heart that told me I had to write. For awhile I resisted. That's where the 'eventually writing at night' comes in. If I didn't write, I would stop breathing. It was something I had to do. Pee-Paw and Papa wouldn't want me to be like this. They would be so utterly disappointed in me if I gave up on my dream.
I persisted. Thank God I did. Now I have 3 self-published books and am working on my 4th and 5th. The passion for writing was instilled in me by the people I love. I learned to believe in me. It's the only way to pursue the goals I set for myself. I didn't give up when I could have said, "Screw it. I'm done." But I didn't. I fought my way through the pain and overcame what could've brought me down forever.
I started out with the start of a children's book when I was in junior high. Following that I tried my hand at writing poetry. Not that it was a bad attempt since I was young, but I did make the effort. Then life happened. My Papa had fallen ill and I was helping my Grandmother (Grams) with him. So...I postponed writing my YA novel. After I turned 22, he had taken a turn for the worse and I was even busier. Between the time I was at the hospital and dealing with things for my Grams, I "didn't have time" to write. Instead of making time, I threw in the towel for awhile and hoped that I would someday write that novel. Two months later he passed and I fell into a deep depression while trying to hold my Grams together. Then somehow I managed to pull my act together and begin that novel. It was a sort of stress reliever. I enjoyed it. It made me feel good and gave me a confidence that I had never known.
Two years later my Great-Grandfather (Pee-Paw) was stricken with a cancer that had spread through his body. The doctors couldn't treat it. So we placed him in hospice. They were wonderful but it didn't take away my pain or stop me from doing things for Mee-Maw and Grams. Yet again...I was stuck tending to my Great-Grandma (Mee-Maw) AND Grams. Here we go again. I was never going to be able to write that novel through all this tragedy. I couldn't. There wasn't any time. My dreams were once again put on hold, but I didn't care...well...I did. I just had to set my feelings about writing to the side. When I wasn't writing it was like not being able to breathe. The timing was so terrible...like someone's dying can ever be timed accordingly. Right? Don't get me wrong. I love my Papa and Pee-Paw. I wasn't ready to lose someone else. Not after my Papa died. Through my grief all I could think about was writing. Why at such a devastating time? The reasoning: I wanted to be taken from reality for awhile.
After my Pee-Paw passed I buried myself in my full-time job as an activity assistant in a local nursing home by day and eventually writing at night. There was something therapeutic about writing and it brought me back to my family. During this time there was a nagging in my gut and heart that told me I had to write. For awhile I resisted. That's where the 'eventually writing at night' comes in. If I didn't write, I would stop breathing. It was something I had to do. Pee-Paw and Papa wouldn't want me to be like this. They would be so utterly disappointed in me if I gave up on my dream.
I persisted. Thank God I did. Now I have 3 self-published books and am working on my 4th and 5th. The passion for writing was instilled in me by the people I love. I learned to believe in me. It's the only way to pursue the goals I set for myself. I didn't give up when I could have said, "Screw it. I'm done." But I didn't. I fought my way through the pain and overcame what could've brought me down forever.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Remake Of Classics
I am upset. No. I'm downright angry. They are remaking the 80s cartoon Jem and the Holograms. It isn't anything like the cartoon. Why would they do that? Granted, the kids today won't remember the 80s version. The thought of them doing a remake of a great cartoon...well...it angers me. This is one of my favorite shows as a child. What are they thinking? No one can make it better than the original. First it's Footloose, Dirty Dancing, and now THIS? Come on people. Why can't you come up with something original? Are people running out of ideas? Where did the creativity go? This is one of the DUMBEST ideas I've ever heard of. Jem and the Holograms with no Misfits? Really? How can they do that to those of us who know what's going to be missing? I hate that people revert to things already done instead of coming up with new ideas. As a writer, the ideas never stop. Okay. I think all writers use others/things as a sounding board so to speak, but we don't do the same thing or try to change what's has been done previously. My heart is breaking. The series was one of my favorites. What's next? The remake of Gone With The Wind? Seriously people. Don't become directors if you can't be more creative. The new version of My Little Ponies is even more upsetting as that was one of my favorite cartoons back in the 80s. These Hollywood screen writers have given up on creativity. All of this is a pathetic attempt at bringing history back. If they want to bring cartoons to life, fine. Just do it the right way. Don't take out the highlights of the story. All of this is just so wrong.
Rant over...for now.
Rant over...for now.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
My Grandfather: The Reason I Became A Writer
When I was little, I would sit on my Grandfather's knee and listen to him tell stories that he would make up on a whim and giggle at them. His stories were never boring. It wasn't the stories I remember so much as his light-hearted humor and the love he had shown me. He was the one who always told me I could be anything I wanted to be. I took that to heart because I know he meant it. I have always put my best foot forward because of him. If I give up after a failure, I still feel to this day that I would disappoint him. He's the reason I keep going. Every time I write a novel, I put a part of him in my characters. I think my Papa was one of the most creative people I ever knew.
"Life is meant to be lived and do the things you enjoy the most." This is one of the many pieces of advice he gave me while I was growing up. So, I took it and have applied it to my life. Granted, I used to write a little poetry and children's stories here and there as a child, but it occurred to me after he passed away that I should develop upon my writing skills. Because of him, I have become the writer/author I want to be and want to continue to pursue my dreams. I want to keep bettering my journey as a writer and myself as a person.
It truly is amazing how much one person can impact your life and want you to make it better not only for yourself, but for the people you love. I know I want to be happy and do what I'm passionate about so that those around me can know the same kind of happiness. I want to teach others that you can be happy by following your heart and your dreams. If I can be that kind of inspiration to others then I have fulfilled part of my goals. May you all be as blessed as I have been.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Summertime Anxiety
Wow! Its spring already. Amazing. I am so excited because there is so much to do outside this time of year (that's if its actually not so cold). Soon summer will be upon us. I'm having summer anxiety. Summer anxiety for me is waiting it for to come. We don't have to worry about the cold and don't have to wear layers and layers. Yep! Shorts, tank tops, and flip flops. Plus gardening and all the outdoor activities. I can't wait to go sit on my patio and read a book or go play putt-putt. Better yet, go to the lake house and relax by the lake while the summer heat beats down on my skin. While I sit there, I get to watch the sun reflecting off the water and the ripples that rock in slow motion. It's quite a relaxing time and gets me away from the stressors back home. Thank God I get to go almost every weekend. Its times like those that I can get away and clear my head so I can come back refreshed. It always clears my head to continue writing. Oh! Picnics. I love picnics in the park and taking walks in the park. Come on summer! We are all waiting for you to come. There's nothing like the outdoors to make you feel refreshed and ready for another day. What are you looking forward to doing this summer? What's your favorite thing about summer?
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Rule to Life: Remember Yourself Despite How Busy Life Becomes
Hello to my followers. I am glad to be back. I'm sorry for the delay, but I've had to take a hiatus to deal with some personal issues. Over my sabbatical, I've learned how to deal with time management issues and am still learning. I am getting better, however. I'll tell you about being busy. No. I'm not a mother-yet. I work a full-time day job, am working on editing my 4th book, writing my 5th, took over as president of my writer's group, planning a workshop for my writer's group, working on getting speakers for the groups monthly meetings, taking care of my Great-Grandmother, am involved in a weight loss program, and working on promoting my 3rd book. Trust me. I know what being busy is like.
One thing I would like to say is that it is so important to find time for yourself. You should always prioritize what has to get done and what can wait. It will always be there tomorrow. Take half an hour to an hour to do something for yourself. That is so imperative. Be okay that life isn't perfect and that you won't get everything done in one day. We beat ourselves up over what we don't get done or don't do. STOP IT! I say this in the most loving way. Take a deep breath. It'll be all right. No one is perfect. No. I'm not a life coach, but I know what it is like to bring stress upon myself for absolutely no reason.
Prioritize the important things. There are things in life that are completely out of your control. It's okay. I'm still working on my own time management issues like trying to figure out how I'm going to get my book stuff and writer's group stuff done. One thing I will do is close my eyes, take a deep breath and relax. There's nothing you can't accomplish without a little discipline. It doesn't matter whether you are a writer, doctor, nurse, teacher, warehouse employee, city employee, etc. It only matters that you take care of yourself and work on life's time constraints into advantages for you. Like I said, I'm no life coach or anything like that. I only know what I've learned over the last few weeks. Remember to fit time in for yourself.
One thing I would like to say is that it is so important to find time for yourself. You should always prioritize what has to get done and what can wait. It will always be there tomorrow. Take half an hour to an hour to do something for yourself. That is so imperative. Be okay that life isn't perfect and that you won't get everything done in one day. We beat ourselves up over what we don't get done or don't do. STOP IT! I say this in the most loving way. Take a deep breath. It'll be all right. No one is perfect. No. I'm not a life coach, but I know what it is like to bring stress upon myself for absolutely no reason.
Prioritize the important things. There are things in life that are completely out of your control. It's okay. I'm still working on my own time management issues like trying to figure out how I'm going to get my book stuff and writer's group stuff done. One thing I will do is close my eyes, take a deep breath and relax. There's nothing you can't accomplish without a little discipline. It doesn't matter whether you are a writer, doctor, nurse, teacher, warehouse employee, city employee, etc. It only matters that you take care of yourself and work on life's time constraints into advantages for you. Like I said, I'm no life coach or anything like that. I only know what I've learned over the last few weeks. Remember to fit time in for yourself.
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